Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 12 Don't Rush Progress

If it's worth having, then it's worth working and waiting for. Today the scale didn't move. Of course after what I blogged about yesterday, having the fear of the scale, it bothered me. I feel like I am in a hurry. I want to hurry up and get this weight off, get these 40 days over with, even rush my food. Good healthy fresh food takes time to prepare, as well as it takes time to lose weight. I didn't gain it all in a week so why should I expect to lose it all so fast? Patience has never been my strong point. Until someone gave me this diet, I didn't even want to try losing weight anymore. Now I am determined to lose this again. I will get this weight off, but in the timing my body needs, not my mind wants.

So, here's what I ate today:

Breakfast: Egg beaters  25 cals
Lunch: Turkey chili 180 cals
            Melba toast  20 cals
            Strawberry lemon aid 80 cals
Dinner: Chicken salad w/ strawberries  195
             Melba toast  20

Total: 520

Confession: Michael and Bailey ate steak tonight and out of weakness, I had two bites, but it was soooo yummy! LOL

1 comment:

Kizzie said...

LOL annnnd how many cals were those two bites hmmmmmm hehehhe good job girl Im proud of you!