Thursday, December 31, 2009

Drink And Be Merry!

Umm...water that is. Drink water, and lots of it to help aide in losing weight. It has so many positive benefits. It flushes out the toxins, makes your metabolism burn calories 3% faster.
Other healthy benefits of drinking water are;
* regulate appetite
* increase metabolism
* boost energy levels
* less water retention
* alleviate some headaches
* help reduce blood pressure
* help reduce high cholesterol
* ease joint pain
* decrease in risk of some cancers
* less chance developing kidney stones
* release toxic waste products
* improves skin
It is recommended to drink half you body weight in ounces of water if you're trying to lose weight. I'm not there yet but I have a cool water bottle which I think is a good idea if you struggle with drinking water. It really helps me to drink more, and I look good holding it. Ha ha! It holds 30 oz. so I am on 2 a day and slowly working my way up to 3 1/2.
When I drink more water I can tell a difference, and I think it also improves my moods. So like I said, drink and be merry.
Here's tips I like to use.
*Drink a big glass of water right before you eat a meal. It always fills me up so I eat less.
*Also, I love Diet Mt. Dew so I have cut way back on drinking them, but if I drink any now I will balance it out with a glass of water. So, if I drink a glass of Diet Dew, then I will chase it down with a glass of water to balance it out and flush out the toxins that come with it. I'm not going to deprive myself of the things I like, but I will cut back on them and try to be more balanced.
So, if you happen to pass me with a weird look on my face, legs crossed and I'm walking very fast and funny, chances are I have been drinking my water!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Cheaters Never Lose

The more I cheat, the less I lose. It's hard to not cheat though. Unless you have a built in fail I seem to have. Yesterday I wanted a piece of candy, just a tootsie roll, which I never want unless I'm dieting by the way. So I stole one from my son and unwrapped it and instead of throwing away the wrapper, I threw away the candy! So, that left me to the question, do I eat the wrapper now? Ha ha! That will teach me for trying to cheat anyway.
It's hard to stay true to your diet and never cheat though. I will allow myself some breathing room. For example, me and my sweetie went out tonight to a movie and dinner. I was good at the movie, no popcorn. Instead I snuck in some Carmel flavored rice cakes. Oh yes, they were good!
Then it was time for dinner. I decided on a salad but the cheating came in with the dressing. That's where most diets are killed. We think we are doing great having a salad, until we drown it out with the dressing. Gotta watch those triggers too. the dressing had sugar in it and then it caused me to want to do nothing but eat and binge once I got home.
What is a trigger food, you might ask. Trigger foods are any foods that trigger you to overeat and/or binge. They are foods that you just can’t get enough of; one bite is never enough and one helping isn’t enough. Trigger foods can also lead you to overeat on other foods that initially you weren’t even thinking about eating if you feel guilty for eating your trigger foods in the first place! For me, my trigger foods are anything that contains refined sugar.
You see, I used to binge eat so trigger foods are a trap for me. I must avoid them, but I forgot about them until tonight, when I experience it all over again. Oh...this is a journey!

Things I ate today:
turkey chili
1/2 peanut butter sandwich
Carmel rice cakes
oriental salad w/ sweet dressing
cheese sticks
Cheese crackers
diet coke

The Scale

I have to admit, me and the scale haven't been on speaking terms in some time. I guess you could say I've held a grudge against it. It's not exactly been on my side you know. So, I stopped visiting it.
Weighing myself in the past has always determined my mood for the day. If I lost I was happy, but if I gained or if the scale didn't move at all, well, I'm sure you get the picture. It wasn't pretty around here, let's just leave it at that.
This go around I have decided I will not be a slave to the scale and it will not dictate my moods. I determine my moods, not the scale. I am only weighing myself once a week as a guide for my progress and accept whatever it says. How I eat will determine what the scale says, so if I don't like what it says, then it must be something I ate. Whose fault is that? Not the scales! But then could be a battery issue, right? Ha ha, at least I gave it a shot!
This is not a destination.. it's a process... this is a mentality. My journey will be ongoing, it wont have an end. It's a way of life and I have to come to terms with that in my head and my heart. There is no quick fixes. It is what I make it. And if I make it right, the scale and I will be back on speaking terms.
As for my second day, it was a little better than my first. I know it will get easier each day. Again, it's a process that has to be learned. I discovered a good dressing idea. Spicy mustard and red wine vinegar. Just a little of each and mix in your salad. It's healthy and tasty. I love mixing it with my spinach.
Things I've ate today:
Turkey chili
pasta and chicken with, ummm...garlic bread
coffee and lots of water

Monday, December 28, 2009

Day one!

I'm sure everyone's wondering how my first day went. I'll get to that in a minute but first, why is it that when you start a diet or "new eating lifestyle" everything in the cabinet looks enticing? For example, I have things in my pantry that I never eat or want, but now that I know I can't have's all I want! I will even buy a certain snack food for my kids that I know I don't like just so I wont eat it but when I want to eat, it don't matter what it is, as long as it's in the form of junk. Now, I know I am not the only one that's done this.
It's mind over matter, so I've got to tell my mind it don't matter...over and over and over again until my mind gets the point. Eventually it will get easier, I know this from past experiences. But it's self sabotage. We get stuck in homeostasis. You may be asking, what the heck is that? It's where your body has a resistance to change.(Stubborn mindset) It wants to hold on to the familiar. So, I am creating a new "homeostasis". A healthy one. I am changing my mindset.
Today was a good start. I did flub a little and had a few pieces of candy but all in all I'd say it was a good first day. I cooked some meals to freeze so I can just grab and go with out any excuses. Healthy food takes time, you just can't always pull something from the refrigerator, so I'm making it fool proof. This time I am being prepared so I don't set myself up for a fall.
I discovered a new item at the store this week too. As I find a good discovery, I will add it to the side where it says "Dina's Discoveries" so be sure to check it out.
Quaker Oats Tortillaz! Oh my, these make you think you're eating a chip but it's mostly rice. And only 130 calories, it's a very nice snack.

What I ate today;
Salad with chicken
couple pieces of candy
some bites of the chili I prepared
shrimp, mushrooms and pineapple
orange and
Quaker Oat Tortillaz
Water, water, water!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Making A List, And Checking It Twice!

I've made my grocery list and I think I am prepared. I have made Monday, December 28th my start date for a specific reason. I want to finish out the year on a positive note. We usually wait and start our "diet" after the first of the year, getting all the parties out of the way. Well, I decided I didn't want to follow that same pattern, as I do every year. It hasn't gotten me anywhere but fatter. To have something you've never had, you have to do something you've never tried before, or something like that. So, what do I want? I of course want to lose weight, but I want more than that. I want energy, to feel proud of myself and good health. In the past I've done this for all the vanity reasons. I'm pushing 40 now and vanity has moved to the back burner. I'm looking more to healthy living, and being an example to my kids.
Which brings me to another thing I want, a healthy family. I am a living example to my kids. My oldest daughter, Bailey has been complaining she is tired all the time and my other daughter, Lily has developed a pudge. Then it hit me, they are basically eating what I provide in the home for them to eat. Junk! I have been creating in my kids what I hate in myself. I am setting them up to hate themselves later in life, unless I make some serious changes. It's up to me how they turn out when they become adults. That's a scary reality!
I've looked at what is all in my kitchen and I am ashamed. There is cookies, pie, candy, ice cream and the list goes on. I have decided to replace all of the junk with fresh fruit and veggies. I will make it available and ready to eat. They may protest at first, but in the end I think they will be thankful for it.
It's time for major changes in this family and it starts with me. As the the person who does the cooking and shopping, it ultimately rests on my shoulders. So, the buck stops here! I sadly have to take the credit for how everyone in this home has eaten, so from here on out I will change that and take pride on what we all are eating.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

It's The Final Countdown...

Monday is fastly approaching. The big day is almost here. I am actually getting a little excited about this. I'm getting my menus ready and I'm working on my grocery list. All of this feels so familiar, as it should since I've traveled this road many times before.
So what's different this time? Will I succeed this time, or find myself back in this spot again only a month or a year later? Well, here's what's different this time versus every time in the past; home movies!
You see, I had a rude awakening these past few days. Since it's Christmas Michael decided to drag out the old home movies to watch of Christmas past. I wasn't prepared though for what I was about to see. It brought me to tears. I had no idea I was that big, for that long. I was embarrassed for my kids to see them. We watched a home movie as far back as 16 years ago, and I was even large back then.
So it made me realize something, I have not been thin for at least 16 years, with the exception of right before I got pregnant with Toby. I had lost 67 pounds but then got pregnant with Toby. I ended up gaining 67 pounds. That was 4 years ago and I am still trying to take off that baby fat.
This has been a sad awakening. Something must change for me. That's what's different this time. Reality has finally set in. I no longer view myself thinner than what I actually am. I think all these years I have been in denial. It's time for action now and no longer denial.
In a few short years I will be 40 years old and I want the second half of my life to be better than the first. It is what I make it. I am in control of my body. It's time for change! I have the power to change and no one or no thing can stop me! As I venture down this road, I intend to journal what I eat, post recipes and express my emotions along the way. Warning...the content of future blogging journals may not be suitable for all viewers, as I may not be responsible for the emotions I express in the beginning of this new lifestyle. Ha ha!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

On Your Mark, Get Ready...Lose!

You know when people say they are going to quit smoking, they set a date they will start quitting? Well, I felt it was good for me to set a "Start Date" that I was going to start living healthier. We all must set a goal, then strive for that goal, and make it realistic and reachable. Well, I decided my start date was to be December 28th.
Now, you know if you ever dieted in your life, you usually tell yourself, this is it! I'm starting on Monday, and I will live it up until then, and I got to have my "Last Supper!" So we eat ourselves out of house and home because we have to clean out the junk food. Then when Monday rolls around, there comes another excuse as to why you can't start then. I've been there and believe me, I bought the whole farm. That's not what I'm setting myself up for this time.
I am forming a plan and have been working on it. Failure to plan means you are planning to fail. I have danced this dance one too many times. I used to teach a weight support group called SugarFree Me! I know the ins and outs of dieting and weight loss. I don't want to fail again. Part of my plan includes God. For some reason I keep leaving Him out of this part of my life. I am realizing that in everything I do, even my weight, He must be the center of it.
Victory comes through surrender and not through stubborn self-will. See, in the past, I've done this all on stubborn self-will and look where it's got me...fatter! So now I am surrendering my will to God so I will have victory in my future and not FAT in my future. Not by might not by power, but by my spirit' says the Lord Almighty. (Zechariah 4: 6) This is Kingdom thinking, not Dina thinking. In order for me to change, my thinking has to change.
Okay, I am going to be brutally honest here, I am not excited about doing this. That's right, there is no "woo hoo! Let's do this thing, baby!" I'm sort of dragging my feet a little. I mean, come on...who wants to give up the chips, chocolate and fried food anyway. But, I know how it makes me feel and I know I don't like it anymore. When your fat pants start to get too tight, you know it's time to do something.
One of my favorite verses in the Bible is; 2 Timothy 1:7, God has not given you a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. Step by step, choice by choice, one meal at a time I will transform my life with God's help. He will help me with the discipline part. Each day I will have the "want to" desire to do this because I am taking action instead of just talking about it. I know that because I am putting God in the center of this, He will meet me and lead me the rest of the way. He wants me healthy and happy.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

We Eat Our Potatoes Not Become Them

I've been doing some soul searching for the last few days trying to decide why and how I got fat. It's even hard for me to say that word...the "F" word, "fat". Well, I know how I got and laziness got me here. But, everyone always says, there's got to be a root to your issues. So, I've been asking myself, what are my issues. Where is the root to this potato? What is standing in my way of thinness? Then it hit me.
I've been teaching a series at church thanks to Joyce Myer's Battlefield of The Mind, and this past lesson covered Passivity. Of course when I was teaching this, I never thought any of it applied to me.
The definition of passivity is lack of feeling, a lack of desire, general apathy, lukewarmness, and laziness. So, the last few days it hit me. Could I be passive? I'm a mom of 3 kids, for crying out loud! I can't be lazy, can I? Am I a secret couch potato? Well, I have hid it well. You see, I have found myself sitting around doodling on my laptop, watching TV and doing nothing for most of the day, then right before Michael comes home, I get up and start doing things around the house to make it look like I've been so busy working all day. Oh come on! Am I the only one who does this? Ahh crap! Now he's gonna know and my secret is out.
I have also lacked the desire to lose weight and to exercise. Passivity is the opposite of activity. I have lacked a lot of activity lately. You see, we are to eat our potatoes, not become them. And even then, eat them in moderation.
It's time to face the ugly truth. Now that I realize I have become the potato, it's time to start peeling. Making the decision is the easy part. Getting off the couch is the hard part. If I could only find a way to do it all from my couch...oh wait, that's that passivity speaking again.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Looks Can Be Decieving!

Have you ever gotten dressed and looked in the mirror and think, "Dang! I'm looking pretty good, and this makes me look skinny too!"? I know if anyone has struggle with weight issues, we all have thought that, right? Then someone snaps a picture of you in that "skinny" looking outfit, only for you later to see it and discover, that wasn't the way it looked on me earlier this morning. No, really! I looked skinny in that when I put it on! What happened?
I sometimes wonder if I have that "Body Dysmorphic Disorder". Except...mine is opposite. Instead of a skinny girl seeing herself fat, I'm a fat girl seeing herself skinny. Ha ha!
So, Yesterday we had our Annual Christmas Banquet, and I'm going to warn ahead of time, there will be pics to follow. (We'll call it my before picture.)I had my outift all planned out and I thought I was looking quite skinny and rather hot, if I do say so myself. I had on a black skirt with black boots, black top and gray sweater.
Well, my daughter was taking pictures of everyone and while I was on stage with Michael(my husband), wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, she snapped a pic of us. Today I took a peak at what she snapped, and to my surprise, I found out looks can definitely be deceiving. Talking about your disappointments. That was a real eye opener, for sure.
You hear people talk about, at the beginning of their weight loss journey that pivotal point, the "thing" that scared them into finally doing it. Well, that was my moment. Pictures, unfortunately don't lie. So, changes are in the making. I am forming a plan, and soon you will read about it. But first, here's the pictures. I really wish I could put up the image I really had in my head, you know, the skinny version. Ha ha! If only we could do something like that.


Have you ever woke up one day realizing you have pushed the envelope so far with your life that it started to come apart at the seems? Well, that's where I am at right now with my weight. I have yo yo-ed the heck out of my body and its fighting back. It's saying..stop the insanity, please!
I am starting this blog because I am making a public confession of my journey and struggles with my weight. I have lost and gained so many times. Recently, I have lost 45 pounds and in the past 3 months, I have put back on about 15 of it. I blamed the Holidays, but once the Holidays are gone, then what's my excuse? If I take a deeper look inside of me, I know the problem doesn't come from all the excuses. It's just plain laziness and selfishness. I just don't feel like making the sacrifices anymore.
Like I said, I have yo yo dieted so much that I didn't feel like it anymore. What's different now, you may ask. No more Yo yo-ing! It's healthy living all the way for this girl. I'm going public too. I will be keeping a blog of my journey from fat to fab. I call it, Blogging Away The Blubber. I hope this will inspire someone to get on board with me and win the fight. This Blog will be my personal journal. I plan to post pictures along the way to record my progress, as well as what I am eating and favorite recipes too.