Sunday, December 27, 2009

Making A List, And Checking It Twice!

I've made my grocery list and I think I am prepared. I have made Monday, December 28th my start date for a specific reason. I want to finish out the year on a positive note. We usually wait and start our "diet" after the first of the year, getting all the parties out of the way. Well, I decided I didn't want to follow that same pattern, as I do every year. It hasn't gotten me anywhere but fatter. To have something you've never had, you have to do something you've never tried before, or something like that. So, what do I want? I of course want to lose weight, but I want more than that. I want energy, to feel proud of myself and good health. In the past I've done this for all the vanity reasons. I'm pushing 40 now and vanity has moved to the back burner. I'm looking more to healthy living, and being an example to my kids.
Which brings me to another thing I want, a healthy family. I am a living example to my kids. My oldest daughter, Bailey has been complaining she is tired all the time and my other daughter, Lily has developed a pudge. Then it hit me, they are basically eating what I provide in the home for them to eat. Junk! I have been creating in my kids what I hate in myself. I am setting them up to hate themselves later in life, unless I make some serious changes. It's up to me how they turn out when they become adults. That's a scary reality!
I've looked at what is all in my kitchen and I am ashamed. There is cookies, pie, candy, ice cream and the list goes on. I have decided to replace all of the junk with fresh fruit and veggies. I will make it available and ready to eat. They may protest at first, but in the end I think they will be thankful for it.
It's time for major changes in this family and it starts with me. As the the person who does the cooking and shopping, it ultimately rests on my shoulders. So, the buck stops here! I sadly have to take the credit for how everyone in this home has eaten, so from here on out I will change that and take pride on what we all are eating.

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