Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Cheaters Never Lose

The more I cheat, the less I lose. It's hard to not cheat though. Unless you have a built in fail safe...like I seem to have. Yesterday I wanted a piece of candy, just a tootsie roll, which I never want unless I'm dieting by the way. So I stole one from my son and unwrapped it and instead of throwing away the wrapper, I threw away the candy! So, that left me to the question, do I eat the wrapper now? Ha ha! That will teach me for trying to cheat anyway.
It's hard to stay true to your diet and never cheat though. I will allow myself some breathing room. For example, me and my sweetie went out tonight to a movie and dinner. I was good at the movie, no popcorn. Instead I snuck in some Carmel flavored rice cakes. Oh yes, they were good!
Then it was time for dinner. I decided on a salad but the cheating came in with the dressing. That's where most diets are killed. We think we are doing great having a salad, until we drown it out with the dressing. Gotta watch those triggers too. the dressing had sugar in it and then it caused me to want to do nothing but eat and binge once I got home.
What is a trigger food, you might ask. Trigger foods are any foods that trigger you to overeat and/or binge. They are foods that you just can’t get enough of; one bite is never enough and one helping isn’t enough. Trigger foods can also lead you to overeat on other foods that initially you weren’t even thinking about eating if you feel guilty for eating your trigger foods in the first place! For me, my trigger foods are anything that contains refined sugar.
You see, I used to binge eat so trigger foods are a trap for me. I must avoid them, but I forgot about them until tonight, when I experience it all over again. Oh...this is a journey!

Things I ate today:
turkey chili
1/2 peanut butter sandwich
Carmel rice cakes
oriental salad w/ sweet dressing
cheese sticks
Cheese crackers
diet coke

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What do you do when food is a trigger food? BWAHAHAHAH -- but in all seriousness that's interesting I didn't know that about trigger foods - you're doing good girl keep it up!

*giggling about the tootsie roll*