Monday, December 21, 2009


Have you ever woke up one day realizing you have pushed the envelope so far with your life that it started to come apart at the seems? Well, that's where I am at right now with my weight. I have yo yo-ed the heck out of my body and its fighting back. It's saying..stop the insanity, please!
I am starting this blog because I am making a public confession of my journey and struggles with my weight. I have lost and gained so many times. Recently, I have lost 45 pounds and in the past 3 months, I have put back on about 15 of it. I blamed the Holidays, but once the Holidays are gone, then what's my excuse? If I take a deeper look inside of me, I know the problem doesn't come from all the excuses. It's just plain laziness and selfishness. I just don't feel like making the sacrifices anymore.
Like I said, I have yo yo dieted so much that I didn't feel like it anymore. What's different now, you may ask. No more Yo yo-ing! It's healthy living all the way for this girl. I'm going public too. I will be keeping a blog of my journey from fat to fab. I call it, Blogging Away The Blubber. I hope this will inspire someone to get on board with me and win the fight. This Blog will be my personal journal. I plan to post pictures along the way to record my progress, as well as what I am eating and favorite recipes too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go, I'm proud of you.