Monday, December 28, 2009

Day one!

I'm sure everyone's wondering how my first day went. I'll get to that in a minute but first, why is it that when you start a diet or "new eating lifestyle" everything in the cabinet looks enticing? For example, I have things in my pantry that I never eat or want, but now that I know I can't have's all I want! I will even buy a certain snack food for my kids that I know I don't like just so I wont eat it but when I want to eat, it don't matter what it is, as long as it's in the form of junk. Now, I know I am not the only one that's done this.
It's mind over matter, so I've got to tell my mind it don't matter...over and over and over again until my mind gets the point. Eventually it will get easier, I know this from past experiences. But it's self sabotage. We get stuck in homeostasis. You may be asking, what the heck is that? It's where your body has a resistance to change.(Stubborn mindset) It wants to hold on to the familiar. So, I am creating a new "homeostasis". A healthy one. I am changing my mindset.
Today was a good start. I did flub a little and had a few pieces of candy but all in all I'd say it was a good first day. I cooked some meals to freeze so I can just grab and go with out any excuses. Healthy food takes time, you just can't always pull something from the refrigerator, so I'm making it fool proof. This time I am being prepared so I don't set myself up for a fall.
I discovered a new item at the store this week too. As I find a good discovery, I will add it to the side where it says "Dina's Discoveries" so be sure to check it out.
Quaker Oats Tortillaz! Oh my, these make you think you're eating a chip but it's mostly rice. And only 130 calories, it's a very nice snack.

What I ate today;
Salad with chicken
couple pieces of candy
some bites of the chili I prepared
shrimp, mushrooms and pineapple
orange and
Quaker Oat Tortillaz
Water, water, water!

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