Tuesday, December 22, 2009

We Eat Our Potatoes Not Become Them

I've been doing some soul searching for the last few days trying to decide why and how I got fat. It's even hard for me to say that word...the "F" word, "fat". Well, I know how I got here...food and laziness got me here. But, everyone always says, there's got to be a root to your issues. So, I've been asking myself, what are my issues. Where is the root to this potato? What is standing in my way of thinness? Then it hit me.
I've been teaching a series at church thanks to Joyce Myer's Battlefield of The Mind, and this past lesson covered Passivity. Of course when I was teaching this, I never thought any of it applied to me.
The definition of passivity is lack of feeling, a lack of desire, general apathy, lukewarmness, and laziness. So, the last few days it hit me. Could I be passive? I'm a mom of 3 kids, for crying out loud! I can't be lazy, can I? Am I a secret couch potato? Well, I have hid it well. You see, I have found myself sitting around doodling on my laptop, watching TV and doing nothing for most of the day, then right before Michael comes home, I get up and start doing things around the house to make it look like I've been so busy working all day. Oh come on! Am I the only one who does this? Ahh crap! Now he's gonna know and my secret is out.
I have also lacked the desire to lose weight and to exercise. Passivity is the opposite of activity. I have lacked a lot of activity lately. You see, we are to eat our potatoes, not become them. And even then, eat them in moderation.
It's time to face the ugly truth. Now that I realize I have become the potato, it's time to start peeling. Making the decision is the easy part. Getting off the couch is the hard part. If I could only find a way to do it all from my couch...oh wait, that's that passivity speaking again.

1 comment:

Sharla said...

Ouch! I have been passive then. that hurts!