Thursday, December 24, 2009

On Your Mark, Get Ready...Lose!

You know when people say they are going to quit smoking, they set a date they will start quitting? Well, I felt it was good for me to set a "Start Date" that I was going to start living healthier. We all must set a goal, then strive for that goal, and make it realistic and reachable. Well, I decided my start date was to be December 28th.
Now, you know if you ever dieted in your life, you usually tell yourself, this is it! I'm starting on Monday, and I will live it up until then, and I got to have my "Last Supper!" So we eat ourselves out of house and home because we have to clean out the junk food. Then when Monday rolls around, there comes another excuse as to why you can't start then. I've been there and believe me, I bought the whole farm. That's not what I'm setting myself up for this time.
I am forming a plan and have been working on it. Failure to plan means you are planning to fail. I have danced this dance one too many times. I used to teach a weight support group called SugarFree Me! I know the ins and outs of dieting and weight loss. I don't want to fail again. Part of my plan includes God. For some reason I keep leaving Him out of this part of my life. I am realizing that in everything I do, even my weight, He must be the center of it.
Victory comes through surrender and not through stubborn self-will. See, in the past, I've done this all on stubborn self-will and look where it's got me...fatter! So now I am surrendering my will to God so I will have victory in my future and not FAT in my future. Not by might not by power, but by my spirit' says the Lord Almighty. (Zechariah 4: 6) This is Kingdom thinking, not Dina thinking. In order for me to change, my thinking has to change.
Okay, I am going to be brutally honest here, I am not excited about doing this. That's right, there is no "woo hoo! Let's do this thing, baby!" I'm sort of dragging my feet a little. I mean, come on...who wants to give up the chips, chocolate and fried food anyway. But, I know how it makes me feel and I know I don't like it anymore. When your fat pants start to get too tight, you know it's time to do something.
One of my favorite verses in the Bible is; 2 Timothy 1:7, God has not given you a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. Step by step, choice by choice, one meal at a time I will transform my life with God's help. He will help me with the discipline part. Each day I will have the "want to" desire to do this because I am taking action instead of just talking about it. I know that because I am putting God in the center of this, He will meet me and lead me the rest of the way. He wants me healthy and happy.


Sharla said...

My thing about it is that food brings me comfort. when no one else is there, there is always food. I have prayed and still pray, God, your gonna have to help me do this because I cant do it myself.

Unknown said...

Actual Sharla, you can if you tell yourself you can. I am learning that I control what I do and what I eat. No one else can force me to eat. This is the one thing no one else will control in my life. I taught myself to knit to replace the comfort eating so maybe you can find a hobbie or an interest to replace the food. It's all a mindset, so why not change your mindset.