Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I'm Back!

That's right folks, I am back. I must say, with a blog like this, you become very transparent, so when you fail, you hide. That's what I did. I hid. Who wants to admit to all their peers they were a failure?

This time around though, it's different. I know, I know...everyone says that, right? Well..this time I am doing something different. I will be doing that HCG Diet which is all the rave right now.  My next blog will tell all about what this diet is about, so hang with me, okay! I must say, I have been extremely critical of this diet plan. Although, I have seen lots of my friends have exceptional results. Then, don't get me started on the cost and the fact that you don't get to eat much at ALL! Well, someone secretely blessed me with this kit so I had no choice but to check it out and give it a chance, right? I felt I was now obligated. But I have to say, once I read about it, I was sold.

I have decided to map my progress here, so that if anyone else is critical, I will be their guinea pig, so to speak. I will, hopefully report daily. I will record here my weight loss, what I eat and how I feel. All comments are as always welcomed. Any advice or ideas will also be accepted! I am also starting a new job at home, so there is many changes taking place all at once in my life. So, I hope you will follow me as I go on this new journey.

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