Monday, January 4, 2010

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

It's result time! If anyone is following this I'm sure you're on the edge of your seat waiting to see how I did. I battled with posting this blog today. I've put myself out there, publicly for others to monitor. I have a desire though, not just for me to lose this weight, but to help other people lose it as well. So, if these blogs help just one person, I feel like I've accomplished what I've set out to do.

Well, first let me get to the good.
I started out with a bang and did really well. You know that momentum you get just starting out. I had my food prepared and I ate it. I was getting in my water too. I learned much about myself too. I feel like I set a lot in motion for myself. Then reality hit and life got in the way. Who would've thunk it? Can't live in a bubble all the time.

Which leads me to the bad.(This is where the life getting in the way comes in.) My parents came in to visit for New Years. We ended up doing a lot of eating, and not the healthy kind either. Remember those trigger foods I was telling you about in the earlier blog? Well, I had them all, and was craving more and more. They seemed to trigger me wanting to eat. Wow! Never seen that one coming. I kept telling myself, "just this one" and that turned into a whole lot of "ones"! That adds up fast. Next thing I knew, I fell off my horse.

And then there is the ugly. Or perhaps the scary? The scale this morning. I forced myself to get on the scale this morning and to my surprise, didn't gain. I lost maybe a pound or two. That's stretching it though. LOL
It was disappointing however because I allowed myself to sabotage my efforts from earlier in the week. I went against all I told myself to do. I didn't take my own advise.
So, what have I learned? It's a lifestyle, and a process. You are only one meal away from undoing all your hard work. But the good news is, this isn't a race. I'm back on my saddle and ready for the ride. Sure it's going to get rough and bumpy. My bottom is sure to be bruised. I may get bucked again. But the key is to get right back on. I'm not going to let it defeat me. It's not all happy trails but the adventure is never dull.

I have a new discovery, but watch out. This one may be dangerous! It's Yoplait's Delights Parfait. Oh this is a touch of Heaven on earth. It's only 100 calories too! It comes in 4 flavors and my favorite so far is the Creme Caramel. There is also Chocolate Raspberry,Triple Berry Creme,and Lemon Torte. You can find it in the yogurt isle. But let me warn you again, this doesn't taste like yogurt and it's very hard to stop at just one. I have to hide these from myself or I will eat them all.

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