Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Joys Of Detox

When I go on a diet or "new lifestyle change" i struggle with unbelievable cravings. I am also a food addict. It used to be very bad but within the last year I seem to have it mostly under control. I used to get so bad I would pace the floors wanting something, anything to fix my craving. Like an addict, I needed my "fix". My drug was, and is...food!
If I can make it three days with no trigger foods I am home free. The problem, getting through those three days. Detox is hell! Yeah, I said it. Food addicts struggle just like alcoholics but our down fall, food is everywhere! If I watch TV, there it is! If I go out somewhere, chances are I will see something food related, like a restaurant.
The best thing for me is to lock myself up in my house for three days. Better yet, tie myself up somewhere in a back room where I can't watch TV or deal with food all together. I know that's a little extreme, you got to have food, but you get my point.

Here are things that I have discovered that help me in the detox stage. Everyone is different so you may need to try some things catered around you.
  • Don't allow the trigger foods in the home
  • Water, water, water
  • Exercise (Gives me confidence)
  • Avoid places with trigger foods
  • I am cautious of what I watch on Tv (If a food commercial comes on, I change the channel real fast)
  • Tell the people around you not to enable your cravings (another words, I tell them not to tempt me with trigger foods or bring it into the house)
  • Shut the kitchen down after dinner, lights out!
  • Stay busy with a hobby. (I have taught myself how to knit, I also start projects like decluttering the house or painting a room.)
  • Pray and read my Bible (I ask God to help me daily with my eating)
  • Get an accountability buddy. ( Have daily check ins)
If I can make it past the 3 day mark, the rewards are great. I feel better and the pounds begin to shed. I also gain confidence in myself, knowing I made it through that difficult time. The key is, to not go backwards. If I do, then it's detox all over again. That's hard! Hey, I'm human, but I am also accountable for my mistakes.
The choices are mine, so I should be adult about it.
Good health doesn't have to be hard, as long as we tell ourselves the benefits.Change our mindset toward food. It just requires diligence and a lifestyle change.

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