Monday, January 4, 2010

Eat Well And Prosper

Let's get real. We are what we eat. If you eat a lot of fat and junk, you're gonna get fat, or you will at least feel like junk. If you eat healthy foods and exercise, you are going to feel healthy and fit. You get what you put into it, in any part of your life. I am experiencing that. For some reason, after I exercise, I feel thinner. Maybe it's just me, but it does something to my confidence at least. That's my motivation.
A successful eating plan needs to be flexible and suit your lifestyle. We all don't live by the same cookie cutter. So that's what I've been working on. Trying to eating right to suit my lifestyle. It's not always possible to eat at a certain time or we may need to eat fast food once in a while. The problem with me though, I self condemn myself. I allow my moods to now be effected by what I eat. It used to be that my moods were effected by the scale. Well, I don't have to worry about that for a while. The battery is dead in my scale so I can't even weigh myself right now. Haha the irony! So my mind has shifted to guilting myself by what I eat. The thing is, I seem to always find some way to be harsh and punish myself. I'm working on letting go of the guilt. This is my life and it effects more than just me, but the people around me. I'm planning on living a while, so why not live it out with freedom and enjoyment, instead of guilt and punishment.
Who would have thought losing weight involves more than just eating right?

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