Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Someone asked me if I would blog my food journals. So, why not, that's what this is all about, isn't it? It's a good idea if you're starting out a new healthy living style to journal. Write down everything you eat and drink, even if it's a cheat. You will be surprised by what you didn't realize you actually ate.
When I'm eating on track, it looks mostly like this;

Breakfast- oatmeal, 2 eggs whites & 1/2 banana
Mid-morning snack- 2-4 oz protein like turkey sausage, chicken breast or tuna with fruit. I usually have an apple or an orange.
Lunch- 4oz lean protein like chicken breast or turkey burger ( buy Jeno O premade patties and love them), rice cake to put the chicken or burger on Since I don't need the bun, and veggies like tomatoes, and spinach on my burger.Load it up!
Mid-afternoon snack-lot of times its the same as mid-morning snack (boring I know)
Dinner- This I am still trying to get this one right. I am very tempted and tend to slip up and eat everything the family eats. Like, if they have garlic bread, I want some too!
I will say, I try to have had a good salad with chicken breast for dinner.I make it huge too. 4 oz chicken breast but I load up on the veggies. Tons of baby spinach, tomatoes, green peppers, carrot shavings, mushrooms.
I work late nights so have something else after dinner or my blood sugar will drop bad. 
Late-night snack- Fruit, I love oranges and grapes to eat while I'm working.

Each new day is a do over so if you are like me and blow it sometimes, just get right back on that horse and keep on riding! It's a journey and not a race. I take it one meal at a time, or else I would lose my sanity.

What is everyone else eating? Comment!

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